HER Film Festival

HER Film Festival: inspiring movies about powerful women!

From March 8 to 17 we offered a carefully selected rang of great movies about powerful women from around the world as part of HER Film Festival. From the still shockingly relevant Bombshell, starring Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron and Margot Robbie, to the inspiring Algerian submission for the Oscars Papicha, and the beautiful movie Proxima with Eva Green and Matt Dillon.

Stories that need to be heard

With HER Film Festival, Simavi and Cinetree joined forces for the fourth time to draw attention to equality. In 2024 we started on March 8: International Women's Days. We believe International Women's Day to be the perfect moment to draw attention to the position of women and have conversations about the importance of equal rights.

The festival gives a voice to stories that need to be heard. The 2024 programme consisted of seven movies, showing the power of women. And that's not just the women in our films. But also all those women and girls who have inspired filmmakers: those who stand up for their rights every day. 

Esther Oeganda

Everybody has the human right to safe water and sanitation.

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