Frequently asked questions
We have gathered our most frequently asked questions here. So, if you are looking for more information about our financial management, the most commonly used abbreviations, certifications and practical information about Simavi, you will find it here:
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Or view all the questions below.
If you didn’t find what you were looking for, you can view the contact and support options or reach us on +31 (0) 88 313 1500 during office hours, or mail to We are happy to help you!
About Simavi Foundation
Where does Simavi work?
Simavi works to improve the daily lives of women and girls in African and Asian countries. Our most important programmes take place in:
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
How did Simavi originate?
Simavi was founded in 1925 by two Dutch doctors: J. van der Spek and H. Bervoets. Their goal was to provide medical missionary staff located in the Dutch East Indies with medicines, instruments and equipment.
What is Simavi's approach?
Simavi works with partners in Africa and Asia on programmes that support local solutions so women and girls can enjoy their human rights to water, a toilet and equal treatment.
Our work is women-centred, rights-based and builds lasting change. Simavi never operates on its own but always works together with others. Because only together do we achieve real solutions and a climate-just world.
In all countries where Simavi is active, we work in partnership with organisations that have close ties with the women and girls we work for. We are committed to system change and at the same time believe in local solutions to tackle the water crisis.
We put power and resources in the hands of women and girls to tackle water and climate problems. And we hold governments and companies to account.
Does Simavi's approach work?
We don’t count the number of toilets as a measure of success, instead, we measure the impact we have: lasting change in the lives of girls and women.
The only way to ensure lasting change is to invest in water and climate justice and system change. We accomplish that by
Influencing policy and practice:
- Engaging as many people as possible through our public campaigns
- Pressuring politicians to give more priority to water, women and climate
- Lobbying internationally for more and better climate and water financing
- Influencing governments to improve their water and climate policies
Implementing our programmes: - Working together with and shifting power to our partners
- Supporting women's groups to realise their own water and climate solutions
- Encourage female leadership and entrepreneurship in the water sector
- Influence local governments and businesses to improve their water services delivery
Strengthening our impact: - Measuring our impact
- Feeding learning into new programmes
- Researching our areas of expertise
- Sharing best practices
Does Simavi work with other organisations?
Yes, we work on a healthy future for women and girls in Africa and Asia together with our partners in those countries as they know the situation there like no other - and the women and girls themselves. We also work with our (inter)national partners: companies, governments and agencies, funds and schools.
Practical information
Which certifications and quality marks does Simavi have?
Simavi has the following quality marks and certifications:
- CBF quality mark: Simavi is a Recognised Charity, so we meet the strict quality requirements of the CBF, (the Netherlands Fundraising Regulator) an independent foundation that monitors fundraising by charities.
- ANBI status: a Public Benefit Institution, which means we serve a 90% or more general interest. Our sister foundations ZIEN and NFICH are also classified as ANBI.
- ISO certification: is a certificate indicating that a company ensures a quality management system.
How does Simavi process my data?
From the moment we save your data, we are data "processors". Simavi is therefore responsible for processing your personal data and we believe that careful handling of this data is very important. Read more about this in our privacy statement.
Where can I find Simavi's annual reports?
The most recent annual report can be found here. The annual report is published in May.
How does Simavi get income?
Simavi receives money through various channels. We have our own fundraising profits, profits from campaigns by private individuals and companies and Simavi receives subsidies from governments.
What are the employees' salaries based on?
Simavi has a formalised salary scheme. The positions of the employees are divided into job groups based on job responsibility. These job groups are linked to salary scales. The job groups were established by means of an objective measurement method by an independent agency (Human Capital Group). Research has shown that the salary levels of our employees are around average for the sector and are in line with the market.
What does the director of Simavi earn?
In 2024 the annual salary of Simavi’s director is € 101.097 per year (gross salary, incl. holiday allowance).
Donating to Simavi
How can I support Simavi?
You can support in various ways: by donating of course, but you can also make a difference by volunteering, as a partner, or by signing up for one of our campaigns. See what you can do at
Does my donation get to the right place?
For every euro we get, at least 85% goes directly into the work we do for women and girls. The rest goes to marketing & fundraising and general organisational costs. Our finances are public and can be viewed in our annual report.
Can I adjust my donation?
Yes, you can adjust, stop or amend the frequency of your donation. View the contact and support options.
How does donating with a tax benefit (periodic donation) work?
Your donation is tax-deductible if you record your donation to Simavi for at least five years in a periodic donation agreement. Part of your donation will be returned by the tax authorities. You can arrange this via a form, online or by post.
Can I put Simavi in my will and does Simavi offer help with this?
It is possible to donate (part of) your estate to Simavi. We offer you personal advice and are happy to help you. Check the options.
If your question is not listed, contact our support teamw We are happy to help you.

+31 (0)88 313 1500