
There are many ways to give. Your contribution supports women and girls in Africa and Asia. Make a single donation or a recurring donation, become a (business) partner or support us by buying a product.

Become a donor

Become a donor and contribute to good basics for women and girls. With only €12, you can provide a hygiene kit, and €25 ensures a safe delivery for mother and child.

Support us with a large donation

Are you thinking about a one-time or a structural big donation for Simavi? We would like to support you and inform you about the possibilities. 

Become a partner

Increasingly more companies and organisations choose to collaborate with a charity when it comes to social responsibility goals. We are always looking for partners who share our vision and want to invest in the future of women and girls.

Buy a Dopper

Buying a water bottle made by our partner Dopper supports water and toilet projects in Nepal.

Esther Oeganda

Everybody has the human right to safe water and sanitation.

Take action