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Prashanna Pradhan (ENPHO): ‘Lasting change in the WASH sector starts with system strengthening’

Prashanna Pradhan, from Simavi’s partner ENPHO in Nepal, works on two important programmes: the WASH SDG sub-programme in Nepal and the Sarwacha programme. While the firs...
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Newest member of the supervisory board Olutayo Bankole-Bolawole: ‘I represent the people on the ground’

28.03.24 Rwanda
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More money and more confidence: WASH committees in Bangladesh achieve spectacular results

Water and sanitation committees in Bangladesh urge their local government to put safe water first in their budgets. Simavi trains and guides them.
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WASH SDG: this is how building effective coalitions contributed to system change

Bangladesh is one of the countries that is not on track to reach SDG6 for water and sanitation. The successful WASH SDG WAI sub-programme led by Simavi shows how effectiv...
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Knowledge exchange in Satkhira, Bangladesh, as part of the WASH SDG programme

Patience and cultural sensitivity: key factors for system change in WASH

Learnings from the WASH SDG WAI sub-programme in Bangladesh led by Simavi show the importance of locally-led interventions for lasting change.
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COP28 cannot end without financial commitments to reach the Global Goal on Adaptation

11.12.23 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Climate finance: time to get serious about money

05.12.23 Dubai
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Adoption of Loss and Damage Fund good news, but more is needed for climate justice

01.12.23 Dubai
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Live-blog COP28: Put climate and water justice first

From November 30 till December 12 world leaders gather at COP28 to tackle the climate crisis. Simavi will be present in Dubai, as an NGO delegate. In this liveblog we pub...
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Jane Nyamwamu about the impact of the Water Justice Fund: 'Women can do magic'

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