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What we mean when we talk about menstrual health
Menstrual Health is an integral part of gender equality and global health. Approximately 1.8 billion people in the world menstruate, a quarter of the world population. Ho...
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Patience and cultural sensitivity: key factors for system change in WASH
Learnings from the WASH SDG WAI sub-programme in Bangladesh led by Simavi show the importance of locally-led interventions for lasting change.
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Why this Bangladeshi father is glad he learned to talk to his daughters about menstruation
Priyo Sankar took part in various sessions organised by the Our Lives, Our Health, Our Futures programme. He learned vital information about the health of his daughters.
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Leveraging existing structures to promote and sustain WASH: The story of the Bed ki Gen Dream Girls
The Bed ki Gen Dream Girls in Uganda work on improving sanitation facilities, menstrual health and the income of its members.
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Simavi publishes new Impact Report: this is what we achieved in 2022
30.05.23 Amsterdam
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So much more than a biological process: menstruation in times of climate change in Indonesia
28.05.23 Indonesië
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Menstrual health: crucial for achieving the SDGs
27.05.23 Amsterdam
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So much more than menstrual pads: how Tungga Dewi co-founded a FemTech startup Perfect Fit
27.05.23 Amsterdam
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How 28 Nepalese women pitched in and jumped headfirst into the menstrual pad business
28 women run a business in Nepal that sells sanitary pads and provides menstruation education in schools. Read the story of the Rose Sangharsha Group.
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Jane Nyamwamu about the impact of the Water Justice Fund: 'Women can do magic'