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Deep disappointment about the results of COP29 in Baku
25.11.24 Baku, Azerbaijan
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UN Climate Summit: time for the Global North to put their money where their mouth is
As the second and final week of the UN Climate Summit COP29 starts today, we look back to the first week with Simavi's Policy and Advocacy officer Esin Erdoğan. She is in...
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How fundamental is the right to water? Major breakthrough in Dutch court case
21.03.24 The Hague, the Netherlands
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The price of water: violence and harassment against women and girls
14.03.24 Uganda, Nepal and Bangladesh
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COP28-deal offers too little on phasing out fossil fuels and on targets for global adaptation
13.12.23 Dubai
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COP28 cannot end without financial commitments to reach the Global Goal on Adaptation
11.12.23 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Bad grade on Global Stocktake should lead to more ambitious climate action plans
06.12.23 Dubai
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Climate finance: time to get serious about money
05.12.23 Dubai
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Adoption of Loss and Damage Fund good news, but more is needed for climate justice
01.12.23 Dubai
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Jane Nyamwamu about the impact of the Water Justice Fund: 'Women can do magic'